Health and Wealth

The healthy eating focus continued today and I chose a meat-free scone in Cafe Revive this morning to go with my coffee. I discovered I am the only one who says Cafe Revive in a French accent; in fact, it hadn't even occurred to me that revive should be pronounced revive rhyming with five. Slagged soundless, I was, but it least it showed I was a bit of a girly swot in French at school.

After that I had a meeting with the mortgage crew at the bank where they told me that the amount I owed on my house only made up a small percentage of its worth. Well, that's all very well, but that information isn't of any use to me but more to my beneficiaries. Meanwhile I continue to have to shell out vastly on a monthly basis. Maybe I'll sell up and live in a tent and sip champagne.

After all the morning's business, I met a friend in Bruntsfield for a look round the charity shops. There was no stopping at the delicious Falko though - one cake a day is sufficient pour moi.

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