Englund in Scotland

By englund


...what is it with you Brits and carpets? OK, time to rant.

I rent a house with carpets everywhere, except (thank God) in the kitchen. But in the bathrooms. Directly on top of fibre boards. Sigh.

I realise the historical need for carpets to avoid freezing your toes off in winter if the insulation (if any) was of Victorian standards. But then, when the cosy carpet is in place, you still wear your shoes indoors? I don't get it.

I heard on BBC that UK only got the same building standards as Sweden had in the 1930's in the 1980's. I get a good laugh watching Grand Design when Mr McCloud drops is jaw over Scandinavian triple glazing windows.

Understand me right, I really like this country, and have no imminent plans of moving back. But investing in a house?



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