jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Blood, sweat and tears

Well. I was going to blip this, I asked Steve to take the picture specially, and then he went and blipped it instead!! I picked Ben up from nursery today on the bike. I'd been out and bought him a new helmet, I presented it to him at nursery and asked him what it was, he replied "bike!" He LOVED the ride home, he was yelling "DIGGER! LORRY!! CAAAAAARR!!!" at the top of his lungs all the way home. I loved it because he loved it, and I had the biggest grin on my face! I can see a lot more bike rides happening :D I do have a helmet myself, but for the purposes of the picture I didn't put it on because it would have meant re-doing my hair (sigh) and it was starting to get dark.....

Last night we got to bed at gone 1am. Steve was building more of the Castle so it would be safe for Nathaniel to come and play on this evening. He always says it's going to go alright once it's been touched by blood (his - he tried to remove his thumb with the saw, hence the plaster and this photograph), sweat (plenty - very humid last night) and tears (Ben banged his head and cried! Poor Ben).

Looks good though.

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