Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

more harbor seals

Today there were 3 sets of Mom/pups on the rocks in the bay. I think this mom is winking at me and proudly pointing out her very large healthy looking pup. Occasionally
there are pups alone on the rock or the beach. Popular belief is that Mom is out searching for food and leaving her pup. This is not true - Mom will stay with the baby. We have a terrific Wildlife care center in the islands that will rescue a pup that has been abandoned due to being premature or lost or orphaned as a newborn won't make it on his own. Years ago a very tiny pup was abandoned on our float and I picked it up and brought it by boat to the wildlife center which was just starting to care for these little guys. I think it was probably a premie at maybe 14 lbs.- they called him/her? Bonzai - (all were named for trees that year.) They rescue about 100 per summer now. After being cared for and fed in the center from the end of July, I was lucky enough to be able to release "my" 65 lb seal in october back to the sea with 2 of his buddies from the pool. They swam around and around as a group before venturing out. I'm happy this year to see all these Moms keeping close watch over their offspring!
I will try to put some others on another site later when I get the time!

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