If You Could See Me Now



Didn't have my tutorial today till 11.50, which was good coz i needed a good sleep in.

The tutorial before mine was running late, jeeze Nick lol, so I was gonna be late for Lisa, who I was meeting at 12...

So Loren went and got her for me... I do believe she went down and introduced herself to Lisa as Nick :P

Then I saw her briefly, before I went to talk about my studio photos, which I was so amped about.

I think at this stage it's gonna have to maybe be a reshoot.

I now know why it's easy to be super critical of your work, you know there is problems with it, so you don't get totally shut down when someone points out something wrong - or many things wrong in my case.

Then me and Lisa Llama and Nick went to C1 for herbal tea.

Then to Subway - where a taxi driver kept telling us these rather random and possibly rude jokes :P

Then we sat in the square and me and Lisa danced around a bit and took this photo - I was gonna put the photo of Nick and Lisa on, but I liked this one better... You'll get Nick next week sometime I think :P

Then candy and sticky photos :)

It was a great day...

But I feel kinda guttered now.

About my studio and the fact that Lisa is leaving again.

And I'm just kinda a little bit sad.


All good.

Still tired and have so much freaking work to do.

But it was great to see Lisa.

And her and Nick got on so well :D

Next time I see her is in October...

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