
By flying

Primula Sieboldii

A species of primrose that is endemic to East Asia.

These delicate little flowers have been flowering in my garden for a few weeks and I love them.  Their little heart shaped petals give so much pleasure no matter whether its snowing, raining, hailing, windy or sunny they hold themselves upright and keep smiling.

Daughter A phoned me today for a chat.  It was lovely to hear her voice and all of her news.  She has her university ball this weekend which I'm sure will be lots of fun.  Her studies are going well and shes managing to keep 'up to date' and cook for herself, although she is looking forward to her next visit home round her birthday.

Daughter E is in the middle of trying to choose subjects for her last year at school next year.  Its not an easy task as one subject clashes with another and so it goes on but I guess we'll get there.  She will be sitting her Restricted Drivers Licence Test on Monday, I'm sure she will be just fine.

For both Daughter A and Daughter E - this flower is for you, with its little heart shaped petals filled with all our love, love Mum and Dad xoxo

Have a great evening :)

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