Simon's 20XX Journal

By simondownie

Is that it?

So, the next two nights are going to be on the lash in town...I won't have time to pack as I need to go get some presents for tonight I had to pack. I have to admit I had a tear in my eye, not for the job necessarily, since I am going to be doing the same job in Aberdeen, but the people and the place that I am leaving behind.

I came to Almaty with a fairly blank canvas, not having any expectations, having the brains to realise that Borat wasn't a true reflection of the country (not a mankini or ridiculous moustache in sight...well, maybe a few mousers!) I had a bit of a slow start, but once I made one friend, I quickly made a little network of chums that I was able to go on trips, go drinking and eat with. Being a social creature, this fairly perked up the city for me!

Let's not forget the people in my office...lovely to a (wo)man, they have helped me, made me laugh and smile, and just been...well...nice to me. I appreciate that.

This isn't my farewell blip, but I feel a little sentimental at the moment...there is every chance I am going to shed a tear in the afternoon tomorrow...

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