The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Dinosaurs in Surrey

Our Quarry in deepest Surry is "home to the most exciting find that would be found in Britain", not my words but the words of Dr Angela Milner, head of the Paleontology dept. of the Natural History Museum, London.

In 1983 an ameture fossil hunter was visiting our quarry, seen in this photo, and after investigating most of the faces came across a Claw
Just sticking out of the ground. He quickly recognised it as a find of a life time and called the NHM for assistance. They uncovered over the next two weeks an almost in tact remains of an unknown Reptile.

The team named this find after the man who initially found the Claw, Mr Bill Walker, and the reptile was named Baryonyx Walkeri.

This was in fact identified as a fish eating dinosuar living some 130 million years ago, fish remains were found in it's belly.

Tomorrow, the claw will be posted.

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