Northern Exposure

By Northern

I've been so busy in the past few days just trying to keep up. I've abandoned almost all the things I normally do apart from work (even blip has taken a back seat). Things are madly spiralling towards one event in November that several of my clients are involved in. Which means that I have to get a hell of a lot of stuff finished in the next week or so. The boys finish up for the October hols on Friday and we were hoping to head south for a break. Which means that I really need to get everything done by Friday.

Doesn't look like it's going to happen!

Hopefully I'll still get away, but it may have to be a short version. Which is a pain cause I've got Tour T.shirts done and everything. There are even a couple of blipstalking gigs on there. Anyone on that T.Shirt that's reading this, don't give up on me yet...

...I'm still fighting. Nagging clients like mad, working until the wee small hours, living on chocolate and coffee and holding my eyelids open with bits of sellotape.

Didn't actually intend to blip tonight. Then I looked out of the window and there it was.

Another big sky.

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