Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales

Crazy Cat Lady

I really do think I am a cat magnet, I draw them in from far and wide.

This little cutie was spotted last night when I was picking Paul up from work. I opened the car door for a closer look and the beautiful Maine Coon wasted no time in diving straight into the car for a fuss.

She was clearly well groomed and well fed; but I was slightly concerned that she was in an industrial estate, and that she seemed too eager to stay with me. A firm believer in fate, I figured that because Paul normally drives himself to work and on this one occasion I dropped him off, that this cat was meant to be and I needed to take some sort of action.

The odd thing is, Paul has been asking me for the last month if we could broaden our clan with the addition of a Maine Coon. This is ever since we rescued and rehomed a very affectionate bushy tailed grey MC, who was extremely loving (as is their nature).

Usually I would have been straight out with the cat basket to find a breeder, but with Pob on the way I wondered whether dealing with a newborn and a 5 cat house would be a good idea. You've got to consider litter trays, vets appointments, and the obvious fights that would ensue when we introduced new cat to old cats.

Anyway, this particular Maine Coon clearly had a home, we just needed to be sure that it was close by. We agonised for ages over what to do, and decided to leave her where she was and go back in the morning to check if she was still hanging around. Turns out we agonised for so long that her owner started to wander the estate looking for her. She is called Meg, and was last seen being carried home by dad.

I love a happy ending.

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