Small World

Our first full-day in Scotland.* The boys had a 7:45 tee time, so my daughter and I were left on our own for the morning. We visited the aquarium and spent a considerable amount of time on the beach below the ruins of St Andrews castle, looking at tide pools and collecting sea glass. In the afternoon we got on a train and headed into Edinburgh.

The world got that much smaller this evening when I went to the life.turns event. It was a really lovely evening and brilliant kickoff for the project. The best part, of course, was meeting other blippers in person. (Everyone is much taller--and lankier-- in person than I had imagined. But I'm guessing they looked at me and thought, "Oh--shorter and older than I expected!" ;) It was a delight to chat with folks -- so delightful, I failed to take any photos. We ended up making a rather hasty exit due to a jet-lagged and cranky child, but I was glad for the short amount of time we were able to attend.

*I'm really behind on my journal, but to catch up anyone who cares, we're in St Andrews, Scotland. Last fall my husband mentioned in passing, "My brother [who lives in London] asked if I want to go to Scotland to golf." "Great!" I said, "When are we going?" There was a pause. And he said, "" and I realized I wasn't originally on the invite list, but here I am nonetheless!

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