Dai Urnal-Instants

By DaiUrnal

Pocket money for pocket rockets

First flowerings of a 'Big Society'?

Dragon's Den-style entrepreneurial initiative?

Retain; Re-use; Recycle?

Exhortations from government ministers to cut costs and sell assets?

Who can say what influenced this sale of such a colourful and diverse range of vehicles as took place on this day on the heights of Camden overlooking Bath?

Reflecting the size and setting of Bath - a city intimately connected to its rural hinterland and extending on a human scale that permits people to proceed from one side to t'other by Shank's Pony - there are several agricultural vehicles and toy town motors on sale here. The presence of several construction industry vehicles reflects appositely the continuing downturn in the housing and property market.

Or perhaps the owner's vehicle fleet has simply out-grown the garaging available in their bedroom?

Being positive - at least the vehicles are drawn up on private property and are not blocking the public pavement. When exactly did double yellow lines acquire their current meaning inviting drivers to park their vehicles with at least two and possibly all four wheels on the pedestrian side walk?

And perhaps their former owner will, with chinks in their purse, consider buying Noddy an electric car, or at least a hybrid motor for his next pocket rocket.

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