Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Kerr and I wandered along to the local library today. He joined and received his very own library card. Times have moved on a lot since I went to the library as a child - it's all electronic now, none of your cardboard cards where we had one card for each book loaned!

Personally, I'm a bit fussy about books and don't like the idea of reading tatty books which lots of people have read before me. However, I'm sure it won't do Kerr any harm at all to read some seen better days library books. I loved the library as a child, and its a good way to spend a wee half hour.

Kerr has a lot to learn about library etiquette. He was very vocal and loved climbing into the baby book area while throwing the books out onto the floor. He also had fun lounging on the beanbags - I think he thought it was soft play!

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