All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Rock DJ

This seems to be Ethans latest "thing" - he holds his ear quite a lot. I reckon if you put a turntable in front of him (am I showing my age by saying that?) he'd make a great DJ!

We had to wait in for our new bed to be delivered today, so I had planned a lazy at home day all day. It actually got delivered at 9.45am though so after I'd made Ethans lunch and he had a nap (on the floor!), we spent an afternoon wandering round The Centre (just for a change)! Ethan normally puts up with our trips there for 20 mins or so and then has a bit of a wail. He must have been really bored / tired today though cos he fell asleep twice and the rest of it he sat in his pushchair, happily people watching.

This week he has mastered 2 things which he has been "close to" doing for a long time now. Rolling over onto his tummy and sitting up by himself. Ah, he's growing up so quickly!

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