Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Grown Ups..Who'd have them!

Daddy thought it would be funny to lock mummy out in the back garden,
chuckling to himself he turned to me and said that will teach mummy for locking me out and throwing water over me the other week...he noticed me looking past him, turned to find mummy pretty much flying through the kitchen window, oh how graceful!
daddy screamed like a girl, knowing he was in big trouble, and ran!!
10mins later, daddy had to return an item to a neighbour, thinking he was being clever, he took all the house keys with him and with a smug smile walked out the door......
Mummy looked even smugger as she snapped across the security key chain...! Oh dear, I pretty much shook my head and crawled to grab my minnie mouse, to tell her about how grown ups, were really big children in disguise!
Suddenly the front door starts to open, daddy ready to barge in yelling, haha can't fool me, to suddenly be stopped with a jolt as the key chain snapped into place!!
Mummy finally let daddy back in, but not before warning him.....
never mess with a women, you will never win, she will always be one up on you, no matter how sneaky you think you have been!!!!!!!!!!!!!
todays blip is my expression mid all the mayhem....!! I shall say no more!!

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