
By 5nations

Rude boy.

If my computer decides to go back a page one more time and loose all my text i'll eat my own eye balls.

Quick version now because I can't remember all what I typed before!

Took Jude to the doctors as he has a hacking cough that kept me awake for most of the night through the monitor (that and Ken snoring with a blocked nose in my other ear!). So I was hoping for some 'stop coughing immediately' miracle medicine, but Jude was given a clean bill of health.... bugger!
I did hear the doctor say something about hot steamy shower in the middle of the night though??? No idea what he was going on about?!

In the waiting room Jude poked his tongue out at a little girl and then delighted the doctor with the same formality. The doctor said he'd cut it off and did a snipping action with his fingers and a miracle did happen as Jude hasn't done it since! Marvelous!!

This is Jude by the way with Shreks lower half, courtesy of Kinder Egg.

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