No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Schoolgirls Reunion Trilogy Part 2

After the meringues I made last night had finished cooking (after midnight!) and had cooled down, I shut the oven door again and left them in there till the morning, and then promptly got the camera out to snap them!

The Schoolgirls Reunion kicked off around 7pm when the girls all arrived at my house, wine swiftly opened and poured, and the old photos were passed around for a good giggle! Wee C and wee D stayed up a bit late to chat to the girls and show off a bit (as always when faced with an audience!). Then it was time for me to get busy in the kitchen, making a selection of pizzas which went down well (I think - well, no one keeled over and died, anyway!), as did the meringues afterwards. We stayed round the dining table all evening despite my best efforts to get the girls to move to the comfier surroundings of the living room, the volume of chatter and laughter coming from the dining table gradually increasing with volume of alcohol consumed...

To Be Continued... :-)

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