Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

Sapere Aude

Another Sunday another church. once again not one matching my own religion - must go on the prowl for some catholic churches!

This is the side of St Mary with St Peter in Oldham town centre - i know it as Oldham Parish Church but i could be wrong!

you've seen a bit of it before in the back ground of my Remember post a few days ago.

Its a beautiful church but the lighting never seems right, grey sky grey church.

i love the detail and i like this shot because it looks like a window and make you want to see what is inside - the doors were locked i'd missed the service but this was more interesting that the windows themselves all had signs "police anti vandal paint" on the opposite end of the church there was a huge stained glass window but i'm guessing you needed to be on the inside to see it properly!

Todays title should translate as dare to be wise. apologies if it says anything rude but i can't speak latin. it comes from Oldham's coat of arms which i found when i was looking for why Oldham's animal of choice is ze owl!

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