Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Had a kind of lazy day with my boy.

Started off relatively early. Cleaned up the house, did some laundry, watered the plants.

When my boy woke up, we did almost nothing.
Played a game and just hung around the house ^^

In the evening I had to work.
Afterwords I went to my boy, as he made dinner for me.

In the evening we went to the Efteling again.
It was wonderful being there at night. The vibe there was wonderful. The preformances were fun and the whole park looked wonderful at night.
I loved it!

I hated the fact that my battery died half way the evening.
Felt really bad.. Enjoying the wonderful sits, but knowing I couldn't (try) to make a picture of it..

It's a challange for the next time..

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