
By Chook

You should see the other guy

Rained heaps overnight.
Lay awake listening to it.
Quite nice at the time.
Bit sleepy this morning though.

Back to work proper today.
Has settled down a bit after last week's crazy busy run.
Presentation to give on Thursday, so some busy evenings ahead.

Switched back from ABC News Radio to JJJ tonight. Haven't listened to JJJ in ages- bit since I decided to be all adult and keep more abreast of current affairs*. So sick of the whingy politicians in election mode... SuperRequest much more enjoyable...

Raining again tonight. Going to start running again, but probably tomorrow night. Cold, wet and miserable I don't really want to be...

Looking forward to leftover sticky dried fig pudding tonight.
Butterscotch sauce... mmmm...

*now that I have minimal time to read the papers

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