These Things I Love

By candi

Necessary Evils

I'm somewhat claustrophobic...k I digress I am extremely claustrophobic, crowds bother me worse than anything. I find that the older I get the worse the condition gets. Lately traffic seems to have the same affect that crowds have.

I feel myself starting to panic mildly. My heart starts palpitating, my hands get clammy, my breathing shallows, and I want to just scream. This generally manifests itself into some form of Tourette's and I find people in other vehicles staring at me like I'm the first lunatic they have ever encountered!

Then my mind starts to tease me unmercifully by asking little hypothetical questions like "damn this is bad...what would you do if something catastrophic happened?" Or snide little comments like "man, hope this bridge doesn't collapse."

teeheehee, but generally I seem to pull through with a mere panic attack, and I think to myself, "I'm never taking this route again!"

So for me in my life, traffic would have to be a non-essential!

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