Very Odd

A friend of mine came over after work today while I was just getting out of the shower - she yells "are you naked", I replied "yes", she says "get some clothes on quick, you have to take a picture of this!" I put the first thing on I found, grabbed my camera and headed out the door. In the rush and excitement, I didn't take the best of shots but I admit to never seeing an insect, bug, creature like this before. It was on her car hood - anyone know what this is??

I did manage to capture the melon patch one of the guys planted at work. We have two big machines out there, the beam line and the angle line - there is a patch of dirt between them and he's actually getting them to grow there.

I also enjoyed the beautiful sky around my tree this morning.

Glad to have made it through Monday - at least that's over with.

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