Carmen is restless

My neighbors across the street are both at the hospital with their newborn baby so I decided to have Carmen for a sleepover; more peace of mind for me, having her here versus there where I can't be sure she'll be okay all alone. So far so good. She and Casey got along fantastic considering it's the first time they met; in fact, she was hilariously following Casey around like a sturdy little butt-sniffing caboose.

Her constant snorting isn't too awful, just rather pitiful to the point where I have to wonder what the hell people were thinking-creating a dog breed that can scarcely breathe. Thing is, she is smart as a whip, full of personality and so sweet it makes my heart melt. My neighbors are saints for adopting her from a pug rescue organization who found her at a puppy mill in a cage twice too small, pumping out litter after litter.

I'm sleeping in the guest room downstairs with her so she doesn't keep both of us awake. Oh hallelujah, there-she stopped pacing and plopped down-bit of licking, scratching-I think she is settling down in her pillow. Brilliant, except for the soft snoring that just engaged. It sounds like a heavy, squeaky door going back and forth. Oh dear.

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