Daily Vision

By terryb


I've wanted to use Aperture for a couple of years. However, Apple was just awful at providing RAW support for new cameras. Being the gear junkie that I am, my cameras are always the newest models. So, I never had good support. When Aperture 3 rolled out Apple had a chance to right their previous wrongs and they didn't. They launched the product with big gaping holes in camera coverage. I took that opportunity to send an email to Steve Jobs and explain why I couldn't rely on Apple for photo apps. Wouldn't you know, I did get a call back from someone in his office to discuss! I told them this was their one opportunity to get their support right and they were still blowing it. About two weeks later there was a software release where Apple added support for a large number of high profile cameras that were missing suppot!!! But the for the next several months they started getting slower and slower until today!

Woooohooooo!!!! there is a now support for my Sony.

Now I need a crash course in how to use the program. Off to memorize the keyboard shortcuts!!!!

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