Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl

So free

Backyard Vacation

by Wanda G. Black

I sit here and gaze at God's blue sky
With white puffy clouds drifting by
And the vibrant green of grass and trees
And the flowers all bowing in the breeze
Then I look out across the peaceful pond
At the woods and the pasture just beyond.
And closer in, flying into view
The finch, the cardinal, and the bluebird, too.
In the redwood swing, I lean back and then
Enjoy the melody of the wren.
The whir of the hummingbird darting by
The sight of the buzzard, floating high.
The robin defending its hidden nest
By chasing away the cowbird pest.
I sit out here and swing along
As I listen with joy to God's nature song.
And as I listen to each trill and peep,
I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I feel so free as I took pictures of birds early this morning. This one stood out amongst the rest. It represents me today.

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