365 NVR

By nathk


I am officially now a commuter again.

A year and eight months after arriving in Hong Kong and quickly getting very, very used to the spoiled HK princess treatment of having a maximum journey time to and from work of 5 minutes in a taxi, we have moved offices. I now have to travel to and from Quarry Bay every day. This means a 20 minute MTR ride and WALKING either side...

I am used to air conditioned flat to air conditioned taxi to air conditioned office. Now I have to swelter and stand packed up against hundreds of strangers, jostling to try to get a seat, being elbowed, having to swap my high heels for flip flops...all in 32 C and 90% humidity. Frankly it's tragic.

However, I figure that if I take public transport (and WALK) to work, getting a taxi back really isn't so bad...

One step at a time...

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