Gail's Daily Tales

By gailsdailytales

The Twitchhiker

Here is Paul with another Paul (Smith), whom we shall refer to as 'The Twitchhiker'.

We were invited to The Twitchhikers book launch last night, a fabulous event with readings and signings. Sadly, I was too preggers and tired to drag myself around Newcastle, but Paul went and had a great time.

Here is the story of old Twitchy, courtesy of Amazon.

Bored in the bread aisle of the supermarket one day, Paul Smith wondered how far he could get around the world in 30 days through the goodwill of users of social networking site Twitter. At the mercy of these rules, he set his sights on New Zealand - the opposite point on the planet to his home in Newcastle. All he had to do next was explain the idea to his new wife. In an adventure wrapped in nonsense and cocooned in daft, he travelled by road, boat, plane and train, slept in five-star luxury and on no-star floors, shmoozed with Hollywood A-listers and was humbled by the generosity of the thousands who followed his journey and determined its course.

There were five rules of Twitchhiker:
Paul could only accept offers of travel and accommodation from people on Twitter.
He couldn't make any travel plans further than three days in advance.
He could only spend money on food, drink and anything that might fit in his suitcase.
If there was more than one offer, he could choose which to take. If there was only one, he had to take it within 48 hours.
If Paul was unable to find a way to move on from a location within 48 hours, the challenge would be over and he would go home.

Paul Smith (@twitchhiker) is a former Sony award-winning radio producer based in Newcastle. He currently has 11,000 followers on Twitter and blogs about travel at
Buy Here.

Paul and I feature on page 327!

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