John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

On an overgrown path..

In the estate near us - now managed by the National Health Service, but at one time parkland in which were dotted around great mansion houses, occupied in the 19th century by the heroes of the Edinburgh medical establishment see one of those houses - there is this gateway through an old stone wall.

Today the gateway is not useable, because thick vegetation has grown up close to it, and whatever lies beyond could only be accessed with the help of a machete.

"On an overgrown path" rang a bell! Poetry, perhaps, something sort of Robert Frost-ish?

No, not at all - it turns out to be the title of a cycle of piano pieces written by Janácek - most of them based on Moravian folk tunes - and dating back to 1900.

So this overgrown path causes me to decide to go and listen. Even if three of the pieces are entitled

Tak neskonale úzko - Unutterable Anguish
V pláci - In Tears
Sýcek neodlete - The Barn Owl Has Not Flown Away!

I must make sure I am feeling good before I start!

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