Club 107

By club107

Lavender and bee

Immunity from germs, now there is a funny one. Our second child had this not so unusual habit when she was a toddler of putting sticks into puddles, of which there are quite a few. What she did which was unusual is that she would then taste the puddle despite us trying to convince her that it was not the best idea. I do however think that this dramatically increased her immunity to germs and the like and as a result she has been ill about half as much as our eldest, admittedly she probably suffered from the paranoia of first time parents, 'Oh my God, her nose is running, call the ambulance!', well maybe not that bad.

It is my niece's birthday today and we are supposed to pop along but apparently the immunity might be wearing thin, as she has been sick twice today.

Actually it transpires that said sickness is probably more down to a crepe au chocolat and a hot chocolate at Loopy Lornas, undoubtedly a tad rich. Posting early to avoid going to bed at midnight. The alarm did not go off last night but still needing more sleep.

I read an interesting discussion on the bp forums the other night regarding the difficulty in doing this. The more I see, the more inspired I get, although I doubt many of the ideas I'm having would make for very good photos.

So this is a photo of a bee on the hedge of lavender that my wife planted and I feel only tells half the story. The smell is simply stunning and this year I shall definitely be putting some into a handkerchief to make the car smell less like cars often smell in winter and more like our garden does in the summer. I really love that lavender and again, I think I have my wife to thank for that.


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