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By LovePopcorn

VBS - Pirate Ship Stage

Last year for VBS one of the members made this pirate ship in his backyard!
We get to use it again this year since our theme this year revolves around sea stories of the Bible and how their main characters reacted to life changing events.
This may be the last year to use this stage as there is a shortage of storage space. Does anyone want to buy a slightly used but very sturdy Pirate Ship prop?

I posted this view because several of the 3rd-4th grader children of staff were playing on the deck and that helped give a perspective of the size.
It's been a lot of fun - daily they've had a real (but very small) cannon that fires confetti and we all get to dress up in different themes each day:
Mad Hatter,
Wacky Dress,
and of course - PIRATE!.

The the groups rotate to the different events:
Welcome Splash - announcements and teaching songs/dance at the ship
Bible Voyage - learning a story from the bible and a bible verse
Sail Away Cinema - video of "Chatter" the squirrel as he ;earns a new life lesson
Clipper Ship Crafts - making something related to the story of the day
Ship Wreck Games - fun and games to run off the energy that all kids have
Closing Splash - recaps and tells which group earned the most points for the day
and somewhere mid-day we also get SNACK (YUM! - I like that, too!)

It's just good wholesome fun for all.

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