Netters and co

By Netters


Boring, I know ! but its all I have taken today.

Freya , my tiny child,not yet 4 is starting reception class in Sept, I dont care how silly it sounds, its going to be one the saddest days of my life, six hours a day away from her, by law seems like torture, but she wants to go, so thats that.

So she needs uniform, i have bought the clothes, which mostly she has rejected, I did get her to try two things on but I bribed her, so I wasnt looking forward to the shoe issue, she hates new shoes, we did manage to get inside the shop without a screaming attack however so that was a start, she then went into mad mode and couldnt settle to have her feet measured and rolled around the floor for a while shouting, but she got over it , was measured, I explained the insoles and the need for well fitting, nice shoes to the sales girl, every pair of shoes in a size 9, black , were presented, none were deep enough for insoles, luckily even "Lelli Kelly" didnt fit. I knew all of this would happen, I knew we would leave with boots, like always, I didnt quite reckon on patent leather ones though but it was late, we were tired and it was the 3rd shoe shop we had tried.

Her teacher asked one thing of her new pupils, that they have velcro or slip on shoes !! Oh she will love me for these as to get them on properly they have to be completley undone, couple that with the fact that Freya will remove them at every available opportunity, I fear much of Mrs x's time will be spent on my childs shoes

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