I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

A yellow pepper day

Saturday..............the weekends here, R and R is what is called for but nobody told my weekend that!
Its been a manic day, washing, cooking (you get the picture!) warm and muggy all day and then just to confuse me some blistering sun at 4 o'clock! The boys and their two pals decided to wash their bikes so buckets and sponges were found along with two frogs! I then have this great idea,
" boys there used to be a big toad living under that stank, why dont you see if its still there, so four boys beetle off to lift the small cover only to be faced by a field mouse and her baby!! Not wanting to leave them so close to the house Maw mouse shoots off leaving the wee baby. I tell the boys to leave the cover off and it will come back and take her baby elsewhere as her wee cosy home has been disturbed. Fortunately the boys keep watch and half hour later Maw mouse has decanted with her offspring!
Next a visit to hopalongs parents house to put in supplies as they have been away for a few days. We arrive only to be confronted with hundreds of ants about their doorstep, we leave after puffing the ant powder everywhere and hope for a marked improvement before they arrive home.

The yellow pepper......it just looked pretty before I cooked it !!

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