
By Fi

Legia Warszawa v Londyn Arsenal

I think the only other 'proper' football match I've ever been to was to see High Wycombe v [Daily Post to answer] in the whatever division of whatever league. (Can you tell I'm not really a football person?)

Today was a friendly between one of the Warsaw teams, who have just had their home ground renovated with three quarters of its stadium built, and Mr Wenger's boys from Arsenal. The match marked the opening of the nearly-completed Legia stadium and a crowd of us managed to get tickets online to show some support to the away fans!

Now before you ask, I could only name two Arsenal players, one being Theo Walcott and the other a Russian dude called Arshavin or something. (His visa application came through in Moscow while I was there). I had my prescription sunglasses on, which are a couple of prescriptions old and so I couldn't see who was on the pitch and who wasn't. Anyway, the match report is here, which says that Walcott was there and Arshavin wasn't (as well as a whole host of other things about the game).

So eleven goals was great value for money in my book. After a rubbish week weather-wise and one of the worst storms I've ever seen last night (and that brings a whole other story) the weather did not reflect the forecast one bit and instead summer came back with a vengeance, of blue skies and high temperatures.

The other story - for those of you still reading...was that after the monsoon last night, the (concrete) paths through the parks were covered in a mud slime that required careful walking in places, so not to get the white birkies dirty. Of course I had said the words 'ohhh take it easy down here it's slippy' just moments before I went down with a thud.

My clothes and uncovered area of legs were caked in mud - handbag too. Elbow bashed in the process, therefore bleeding and a seriously dented pride resulted in an about turn for home to wash, change and clean up the wound. Fortunately the stadium is within walking distance and so I managed to get there just in time for kick off.

Add to that the fact that the heavy rains have flooded an area that houses something to do with the lift shaft mechanism where I live and consequently I have to ascend and descend seven flights of stairs to get to and from my 6th floor apartment! The ironic thing is that I only discussed with Stu and J last weekend, that I should be taking the stairs, in tandem with a healthy eating plan to assist with some pounds-shedding. Well now it's been forced upon me, which is absolutely no bad thing. However it's a massive nuisance for those with babies / prams / bikes (me) / lots of shopping, and everyone is slightly sceptical that the saturated parts will have dried out by Tuesday.

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