Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley


After the rain the scent of the woods was musty and intriguing. The children tiptoed through the undergrowth investigating interesting looking creature holes and hiding behind ancient oak trees, while I'm clicketty-clicking anything and everything.

To the end of the path and over a cobbled bridge, through a small gap in the woven branched fence, all gets very dark. Around a corner and a blanket of shamrock spreads along the floor before us, each one a limey green face smiling at us which changes the tone entirely. The late afternoon sun streams once more through the trees and the mood lightens.

"Look! Loads of hearts!!" I hear from my smiling surprised daughter. Looking more closely at the symmetrical shamrock I see three hearts all touching points.

Here she is with the leaf she chose to bring home for posterity.

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