A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Chinese Dragon

A bit of a lazy picture tonight. Wanted to upload something. This is my Chinese dragon, I bought him the second time I went to China. He hangs above my bed and keeps me company. He smiled t me and is just generally a reminder of the life I once live, the love I have for the Chinese people and just good times in general.

Life has progressed on as usual my search for Neverland somehow is learning o be found in Him. To rest and be content where I am and hey lets face it I have a good life. I get to go out on weekends and get caught in thunderstorms, work out at the gym (still woking off all the pies and stuff you made me there friend), sleep, eat, drink and be merry. On top of all of that God is good, and because of that, because I can find my contentment in Him; life is good.

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