Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

The deserted red post box

I went to the bank with my dad in the morning and noticed this on my way. It is very near my house, so I decided to come back to take a shot. This is again one of my different shots as I want to do different things these days.

Since morning, after seeing this Post Box, I have been thinking of how times have changed. I don't remember using this for ages. I guess the last time I used this was way back in 1997 or 1998 when I was a teenager. I used to write to my friends in other cities and my mother's family living in New Jersey USA, where they still live. We used to write letters, put stamps on them and drop it in one of these (usually this one), and we used to get a reply after 3 weeks at least, more than that most of the times.

Now, this deserted post box is not used because of emails, IM's and skype just to name a few. Correspondences which used to take a month are now done within hours and sometimes even in minutes. Now that we can do video conferencing with our loved ones, then why use snail mail??

These are my thoughts for now. I am heading out with my mom now. Comments for later ...

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