SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Mountain Zebra Park - Kariega Game Reserve

We travelled the couple of hours from Mountain Zebra to the Kariega for the start of the birthday celebrations. The whole reason for this trip to South Africa! We had made good time for our designated time of arrival (for the big surprise) so we stopped in Grahamstown for a coffee just about 30 - 40 minutes away from the reserve near Kenton on Sea.

M had been quite keen to stop in Grahamstown as it holds very special memories for her as G, R's Dad had proposed to her there some 49 years ago. G was a lovely, lovely man and I miss him as we all do dearly. We lost G 4 and half years ago and its quite poignant in a good way that we visit Grahamstown now as M is beginning to find happiness again with B who on this occasion is still in the UK but I am sure it won't be long before they visit her homeland together.

We were under strict instructions here on in so that everything went to plan! We had to arrive at the game reserve for 1pm in time for lunch where C (the birthday uncle), R (lovely R's Aunt), R (cousin) and L (R's wife) would be meeting us too before the rest of the family would arrive later after work and school had finished. All these plans were unbeknown to C! C was still recovering from R & L surprising him by turning up from the UK a week earlier!

So a little late (10 mins) after taking the wrong turn in Grahamstown we arrived at the game reserve we were just trying to get in when the birthday party car arrived... much surprise and hellos had! We were told by Aunt R we were their 'for lunch'!!

Rupert the very nice ranger we had for the weekend let us in to The Homestead of Kariega and we were met by our wonderful host for the weekend Adriana. Lunch was served and very nice it was too and towards the end the surprise was delivered by envelope to C who was very surprised and bowled over by the developments!

After celebratory drinks had been had and room keys handed out we headed out on our first game drive... WOW AWESOME!!!

I was prepared for not seeing lions first time but towards the end of the drive we did see them though the light had dimmed quite a bit. But we saw lots of elephants and rhinos in their glory and they were excellent... particularly the elephants... I think I could actually watch elephants all day whilst taking photos with my SLR camera!

I also never expected to see Lion cubs but there were 4 of them, fantastic!

We had a drink watching the sun set before seeing the lions and heading back to the Homestead where the family had all arrived and there it was time for my first time meets of many of the family. A lovely meal and drinks before heading to bed for an early get up for a game drive before the birthday celebrations begin.

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