GeeCee's blips

By grandecheese

The fridgometer

A picture taken yesterday would have shown lots of space; shelves looking for goodies to fill them. Why? I've been on my own for the last two weeks. Daughter and wife away on holiday, but not together.

Tomorrow however, the house gets a bit more lively. Our eldest daughter with husband and two boys drops in on the way back from their holiday in Cornwall; the other one also returns from her holiday in France; and on Sunday my wife returns from a four-week trip to Melbourne, Australia where she's been visiting with our new grand-daughter, her brother and son and daughter-in-law.

So ... the fridge has to be filled.Thus the state of the fridge can be thought of as an measure of the activity in the house. In other words, the fridgometer measures the potential house population, and if tracked indicates the activity in the house :-).

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