
By gilliebg


It's hard to beat a nice fresh catfish for breakfast - if you're a cormorant. Not so much if you?re a catfish, however. I have been ruminating on breakfasts this morning; possibly because I am on a strict diet, my mind keeps turning to food. Long gone are the days, for me, when breakfast was a civilized meal at a beautifully laid table; some poached eggs and crisp bacon, kidneys maybe or my favorite kedgeree followed by hot toast and home made marmalade and accompanied by an untouched newspaper, (a proper newspaper not one of these silly magazine size things), and plenty of tea or coffee. No. it's all gone. Now it's half a grapefruit on my lap in front of blipfoto, leaning back with my feet on the desk and a mug of black coffee. Mais ou sont les neiges d?antan?
Great big.

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