Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Avenida Diagonal

Diagonal is one of the principal axis of Barcelona and was recently the subject of a public consultation on how to reform it (including putting in a tram line). There were two options originally - make it a rambla (people would walk down a broad middle pavement), or a boulevard (people would walk down wider side pavements). Political forces led to a third option being tabled; the 'do nothing' option. This third option won hands down...ho-hum!

This is one of the 'bicing' bicycles which residents can pick up and drop off around the city; the charge is based on time used and is deducted from your bank account. It is hugely popular but the maintenance of the bikes and the software system is proving to be a bit of a headache...ho-hum!

I thought I had a decent shot in the can today, but this was all there was...ho-hum!

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