
By sp33dway


Not a great day, but being a 'half full' kindof guy it was definately not bad. Apart from having to visit the dentist for a filling or three, and a trip to the chiropractor for part 2 of my neck clicking action :-(

This evening we visited our friends H & G. H underwent some serious trauma recently, culminating in her having a colostomy. At 30 this is not something she was expecting, or something you'd pay much attention to, but I guess that's Crohn's for you. Suddenly minor issues, such as our washing machine springing a leak or one of the floorboards being loose, don't seem as pressing.

I spent my entire time in their company in complete awe - in fact H is one of THE best examples of a 'half full' person I know so far. Even with a second venture to theatre planned for the new year she is still happy and giggling and doing her best to recover (although G points out that PART of that may be down to her recent spell of retail therapy).

Arrived home trying to find something appropriate to blip. Whilst sitting on the sofa watching a Rick Stein repeat, I noticed one of the arty-farty glass sculpture things sitting on our mantelpiece, backlit with the glow from a tuppence-hapenny tealight. Taking a leaf out of Suki's book I decided to make that my blip for today.

[It's a mask sculpture called [i]Morgana[/i], 'The benevolent fairy of the subconscious that weaves the threads of destiny. IN DREAMS, THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE'. Quite appropriate I think.]

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