The Silver Ball

The centre of Edinburgh at the moment resembles a giant ant hill.

It wasn't like this at 10am when I had to go into town for some shopping. Then the High Street was just beginning to waken up after the night's activity, but when His Lordship and I ventured forth in the early afternoon, it was almost impossible to make a path through the throng.

Performers and tourists, the weird and down right odd, nuns with cigarettes and cans of beer, half naked men, jugglers, balloon benders, a ghost on stilts, tourists with huge lenses slung over their shoulders, push chairs with apparent right of way, and young girls with long legs and short skirts, all shoulder to shoulder with advertising flyers being thrust at you from all directions.

As for taking a blip, that was well nigh impossible with no space to capture the image without getting passers by spoiling the frame.
It was very frustrating and I consider myself lucky to find this blip of a little girl getting to hold the silver ball of the lady statue after she had put some money in her hat.

But before that,EcoDad had arrived at lunch time to choose some of our garden tools which are going a-begging as we won't need them at the Dower House .
It's so nice to know that they will be put to good use.

He gave us some of his newly dug up potatoes which we had for dinner tonight and delicious they were too.
Isn't it funny that vegetables and fruit grown by friends taste so much better than the the same thing bought in shops.

Now I can forget about boxing the house and sit down with the paper and my blip. Fantastic!

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