All Smiles! :D

By Smiley

Holiday backblip No.2 : beach!

today is the 4th day of france. on the 2nd it just rained all day so we stayed indoors and no photos were taken. The third, however, was much sunnier and funner and we went kayaking! we sort of went the wrong way at the very beginning, and instead of coming out at the sea we ended up almost back home! it was good fun though but its not the kind of thing that you can take your camera to so again, no piccies :(
But today we went to the beach and met some some friends of the friends i'm staying with and managed to take some photos. this one was taken by my friends dad who was looking after my camera while i went body boarding! It was so much fun! im in the middle, my best friend, Alice, is on the right and Orla (one of the friends of the friends) is on the left! it was great and afterwards we went crazy golfing!

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