Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

18 Again

I wish I was eighteen again
And going where I've never been
But old folks and old oaks
Standing tall just pretend
I wish I was eighteen again
(Sonny Throckmorton)

Actually i couldn't think of anything worse than being 18 again, and now i know why i usually avoid family parties.

Do get me wrong they was no fighting (very tame considering how mixed up this branch can be)

i have a very small immediate family - literally me, mum , dad 2x grans and 1 x granddad. Thats the lot no brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles. but then the extended family on both sides is vast. dads Maternal side we hardly see as they live mainly in Leicester, Paternal not even sure i know he has an aunt maybe more than one but no idea about her. Mums Paternal side is quite far flung, LA, Australia, Liverpool, Chorley! The Maternal side is pretty local we live opposite one of her cousins. and this is the side who's 18th party we went to.

I get embarrassed very easily if i'm in company i'm not 100% comfortable with. (i can be extrovert with my mates ) and family parties are not my cup of tea. the DJ (MY Grans 2nd cousin - not that i am allowed to admit that) was the cheesiest DJ in the whole wide world and more besides! Audience participation is not my thing - i spend most if the night avoiding looking at him and then there was an official photographer! i would not be photographed i just couldn't do it - guess it doesn't help i wasn't drinking! well i had 2 vodkas in the end. So when i was avoiding looking at the DJ i was avoiding looking at the photographer! it made for what should have been a fun night into hard work. i know i should have relaxed and got on with it but its just not me.

The reasons why my last birthday party was when i was 7 years old and why i will not be having a 30th Birthday party and i could never get married and have a big do! (well not that anyone would marry me! :0) )

i'm quite happy how this pic turned out and didn't need to be edited!

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