
By AquilaAudax

Crisis, opportunity

I went to Point Jerningham, Wellington, to photograph a yacht race. I missed the start of the race and hence the opportunity for good, close action shots. By the time I got set up the yachts were tacking away to the head of the bay.

Crisis, opportunity. Around the rocky point were shore birds - oystercatchers, little shags, diving petrels, and this reef heron (Egretta sacra), or Matuku Moana in Maori. I love photographing birds, and don't do enough of it, and the gear requirements are similar - a good zoom lens. So I forgot about the boats and took shots of the birds.

Unlike the shags and the oystercatchers, the heron was very flighty. Luckily there were several shrubs above the shore which I used as impromptu hides.

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