Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Things to do in Arisaig

1. Have breakfast: done
2. Go fishing: done
3. Indulge Daddy whilst he buys stuff like sandals cos he forgot his and food: done
4. Go to the famous Camusdarroch beach and dig holes, run into the sea and run up and down sand dunes. done
5. Oblige old fella with the camera: done.
6. Eat Sandwiches with real sand in them: done
7.Fall asleep to let old fella take pictures of boats on a secluded bay: done
8. Go for ice cream: done
9. Beachcomb and collect cockles and mussels, bother crabs and chase small fish with a net: done
10: BBQ: done
11: Cook and eat mussels and cockles: done
12: Play football with kids from next tent: done
13: Brush teeth and kiss old fella before retiring: done
14: Fall asleep and let Daddy continue to work his way through the leftover beer from the BBQ the other week: done

A busy wee day with all objectives complete.
I needed that beer...... ooh the Perseids were amazing up there as well.

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