Flee fly, flee from the MacroMadnessweek

This fly aint fleeing no more. That's because i 'found' it inside a lamp. Good place if you're looking for blippable insects. They seem to be everywhere bugging you (pun intended), but when you need one, they're all gone.

Stupid flies

I have no idea what make&model this one is, so if any of you are bioligists, feel free to correct me if it's a rare grasshopping fly-like spider-ladybug that's just come out of his cocoon (sorry, i mean her). Until then, i'll just call it a fly :D

It's a couple of millimeters wide, as you can see in the other shot i took. That one's got a ruler just beneath it for measurements ;)

So you guessed it, MacroMadnessWeek 3, judgement day is here!

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