
Carduelis chloris

One of the males of the two pairs that have started visiting the grain feeder in the last few days. They seem to get on reasonably well, ganging up together against the sparrows, unlike last spring.

This morning I lay in bed planning today's blip making use of the fog, but at daybreak I found it had wandered off across the fields, leaving only faint wisps. The mountains struggled with the clouds and finally broke through. I was surprised how much snow they have lost since I saw them last. All the big rocks on Mount Torlesse are exposed. Later we had bursts of sunshine, with the odd shower now and then. And it was warm- almost 16ºC for a while.

Yesterday my tomato plants started coming up. Now 15 have appeared. The new season has begun! However, I'm not expecting spring just yet. Snow is not uncommon in September, and frosts go on until November.

Not bad in large.

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