Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Do I have to get up!!

This is our beautiful cat Sophia Sparkles. It's only 6.30am and she really doesn't want to get up. Everyone else is up but she's decided to stay in bed.
Today is my day off, which always slightly confuses her as I usually get up at 4am, so she's decided to stay put, that is until we go downstairs, and because she doesn't lke staying on her own she'll follow us.

Today has been an ordinary day with me trying to catch up on the neverending household chores, with the help of Sophia. The washing goes into the washing machine, Sophia goes in after it. Socks go in the tumble dryer, Sophia goes in after them. Cleaning the showers, Sophia is getting shut in as the glass doors close. Cooking dinner, Sophia is very, very interested, especially as meat is involved, and would dearly love to help!! Best of all she loves the ironing, as soon as a newly ironed item is placed down on the table she moves onto it, to gain it's maximum warmth.

Sophia is like a small child, there is no privacy, she comes in the bathroom with you and even to the toilet. Currently, she is asleep beside me, too tired out to even chase the cursor!!

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