Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Where there's a will...

...there's a way.

I was up early this morning and went for my run. When I came back i suggested to Mr R we get the bikes out and the wee bike trailer (we bought 3 years ago and that was still in it's box!) out and cycle into the town to get the school shoes...Mr R refused...point blank said he wasn't cycling into the that got my dander up and zapped me of my motivation for a wee while.

I said I wasn't going to the town if we didn't cycle...stand off! So we pottered about the house in the morning. The kids got the wii band out and we murdered We are the champions and We will rock you for a while.

After lunch I said we were wasting the day and there is nothing more that I hate so declared we were going to clear out the shed...the wee bike trailer was in the shed;-)

We pulled everything out the shed, discarded some broken things, put other things by for the car boot sale Es and I are going to have soon and put other things back in the shed in a more organised fashion. In all this movement the wee bike trailer made an appearance and somebody pulled it out of it's box!

Once it was attached to my bike the wee fella was very keen to try it and the others wanted to go for a cycle I couldn't take the four of them by myself therefore Mr R had to get his bike out and join I did get my cycle after all:-)

When we were heading off Mr R was grumping that we looked like a circus...this was his problem all along but once he gets over the initial shock he runs with!

Still not got the school shoes...

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